May 13, 2024 at 14:14 JST
Yokozuna Terunofuji, left, loses to komusubi Onosato on the first day of the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament at Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan on May 12. (Takeshi Komiya)
Sumo fans roared in astonishment as the sole yokozuna and four ozeki all fell to defeat on the opening day of the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament on May 12 at Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo.
It was the first time all yokozuna and ozeki were defeated during a tournament in which five or more such top wrestlers were in competition since the 2006 fall tournament.
It also marked the first time all yokozuna and ozeki fell on the first day of a tournament since the Showa Era (1926-1989).
In the final bout of the day, yokozuna Terunofuji lost by a beltless arm throw to komusubi Onosato.
In the penultimate bout, ozeki Hoshoryu fell to an overarm throw to maegashira No. 1 Atamifuji.
Prior to the final two bouts, the other three ozeki met similar fates.
Ozeki Takakeisho was pushed out by maegashira No. 2 Hiradoumi while ozeki Kirishima was shoved out by maegashira No. 2 Gonoyama.
And ozeki Kotozakura was similarly dispatched by maegashira No. 1 Daieisho.
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